November 21, 2024

You can always get the latest schema from the database directly by running this query

SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type, is_nullable
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
ORDER BY table_name, ordinal_position;

Schema as of November 21, 2024 is attached below. We recommend you get the latest schema when working with an LLM agent.

table_name column_name data_type is_nullable
account_verifications id integer NO
account_verifications created_at timestamp without time zone NO
account_verifications updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
account_verifications deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
account_verifications fid bigint NO
account_verifications platform character varying YES
account_verifications platform_id text NO
account_verifications platform_username text NO
account_verifications verified_at timestamp without time zone YES
blocks id integer NO
blocks created_at timestamp without time zone NO
blocks deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
blocks blocker_fid bigint NO
blocks blocked_fid bigint NO
blocks updated_at timestamp with time zone YES
casts id bigint NO
casts created_at timestamp without time zone NO
casts updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
casts deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
casts timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
casts fid bigint NO
casts hash bytea NO
casts parent_hash bytea YES
casts parent_fid bigint YES
casts parent_url text YES
casts text text NO
casts embeds jsonb NO
casts mentions ARRAY NO
casts mentions_positions ARRAY NO
casts root_parent_hash bytea YES
casts root_parent_url text YES
channel_follows id integer NO
channel_follows created_at timestamp without time zone NO
channel_follows updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
channel_follows deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
channel_follows fid bigint NO
channel_follows channel_id text NO
channel_follows timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
channel_members id integer NO
channel_members created_at timestamp without time zone NO
channel_members updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
channel_members deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
channel_members fid bigint NO
channel_members channel_id text NO
channel_members timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
channels id integer NO
channels created_at timestamp without time zone NO
channels updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
channels deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
channels channel_id text NO
channels url text NO
channels description text NO
channels image_url text NO
channels lead_fid bigint NO
channels moderator_fids ARRAY NO
channels follower_count integer NO
channels timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
fids fid bigint NO
fids created_at timestamp without time zone NO
fids updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
fids custody_address bytea NO
fids registered_at timestamp with time zone YES
fnames fname text NO
fnames created_at timestamp without time zone NO
fnames updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
fnames custody_address bytea YES
fnames expires_at timestamp without time zone YES
fnames fid bigint YES
fnames deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
hub_subscriptions host text NO
hub_subscriptions last_event_id bigint YES
kysely_migration name character varying NO
kysely_migration timestamp character varying NO
kysely_migration_lock id character varying NO
kysely_migration_lock is_locked integer NO
links id bigint NO
links fid bigint YES
links target_fid bigint YES
links hash bytea NO
links timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
links created_at timestamp without time zone NO
links updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
links deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
links type text YES
links display_timestamp timestamp without time zone YES
messages id bigint NO
messages created_at timestamp without time zone NO
messages updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
messages deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
messages pruned_at timestamp without time zone YES
messages revoked_at timestamp without time zone YES
messages timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
messages message_type smallint NO
messages fid bigint NO
messages hash bytea NO
messages hash_scheme smallint NO
messages signature bytea NO
messages signature_scheme smallint NO
messages signer bytea NO
power_users fid bigint NO
power_users created_at timestamp without time zone NO
power_users updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
power_users deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
power_users status character varying YES
power_users seed_at timestamp without time zone YES
profile_with_addresses fid bigint YES
profile_with_addresses fname text YES
profile_with_addresses display_name text YES
profile_with_addresses avatar_url text YES
profile_with_addresses bio text YES
profile_with_addresses verified_addresses jsonb YES
profile_with_addresses updated_at timestamp without time zone YES
reactions id bigint NO
reactions created_at timestamp without time zone NO
reactions updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
reactions deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
reactions timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
reactions reaction_type smallint NO
reactions fid bigint NO
reactions hash bytea NO
reactions target_hash bytea YES
reactions target_fid bigint YES
reactions target_url text YES
signers id bigint NO
signers created_at timestamp without time zone NO
signers updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
signers deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
signers timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
signers fid bigint NO
signers hash bytea YES
signers custody_address bytea YES
signers signer bytea NO
signers name text YES
signers app_fid bigint YES
storage id bigint NO
storage created_at timestamp without time zone NO
storage updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
storage deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
storage timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
storage fid bigint NO
storage units bigint NO
storage expiry timestamp without time zone NO
user_data id bigint NO
user_data created_at timestamp without time zone NO
user_data updated_at timestamp without time zone NO
user_data deleted_at timestamp without time zone YES
user_data timestamp timestamp without time zone NO
user_data fid bigint NO
user_data hash bytea NO